He is 57 years old. He is politician and journalist too and he admires Margaret Tatcher.
His father was an exiled Spanish republican, his name was Luis Gabriel Portillo.
When Michael was eight years old, he appeared in a TV spot of blackcurrant (grosella) drink.
Maybe this is the reason why he is broadcaster (presentador-locutor) too.
He joined the Conservative Party (partido) in 1976.
He is married with Carolyn Eadie but they haven't got children.
From 1984 to 1997 he has being working as a member of the Parliament and he has retained the Enfield Southgate seat (escaño) until he lost it in 1997.
In 1997 elections Tony Blair(Labourist) became Prime Minister,so John Mayor (The Prime Minister elected after Margaret Tatcher both of them Conservatives)lost his popular support(apoyo)and elections too. Then there have been two Prime Ministers more. Gordon Brown (Labourist as Tony Blair) and now David Cameron (Labourist).
Going back about what I was saying (volviendo a lo que decía) about Michael Portillo, I have to say that in November 1999, Michael returned to Parliament, but just in 2005 he retired from politic activities.
He has been appearing in BBC2 since 2003 making very diferent programs about railways, Spanish wildlife, social matters... He makes many charitable and voluntary activities too.
You can read all the information visiting this web: Michael Portillo in Wikipedia
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