I have to write about something. Our teacher said we have free topic and that's the most awful things that can happens. I prefer when the topic is clearly-defined as: "Second World War" or "Economic crisis", "Life in others planets?"...
But "Free topic" means that you can choose the topic between thousands and thousands posibilities.
We have been without working, on holidays, and I have gone to a very little town in the country side. When I go for a walk, my camera ever comes with me. And I am going to try explaining the topic I have chose: "FIGS AND SNAILS".
Someone can think that it is not a suitable topic, but here I am.
Maybe the best thing to do would be writting about Dinosaurs, Teaching or Space; I have more experience doing that, but I'm going to try it.
Figs are fruit. But it is not true. Figs are fig trees flowers. You can see a pair of figs in the fig tree. Inside the fig, there are more than thousand seeds. It is very improbable to grown another fig tree from a fig so the inteligent nature puts many seeds inside it to improve the posibilities.

First, figs are green, we can't eat them yet. When you take it from the tree, a white sticky liquid will appear in your hand. So please, don't put the fig in your mouth, or your lips will be sticky too.
When figs are still in the fig tree, some birds eat them. You can see in the photo an eaten fig.

But don't worry, it is an strategy. When a bird eats a fig, it eats the food around the seed, and seeds too. When this bird shits, seeds are inside the shit and they will have a wonderful organic food to grow and to become in a fig tree.
Figs are very sweet fruit and I like them to much, so you can see my
harvest. (cosecha)
But I have a problem, I like snails too. There are diferent types of snails.
Winkles (Bígaros)live in the seaside, on the rocks, in salty water. I like them too... But I want to write about snails, snails and
slugs (babosa-limaco) are similar. Slugs haven't got shell, they are stikier than superglue and they are always in
wild boars (jabalí) menu. Here you can see a slug having dinner.

There are two diferent snails. On one hand, we have small snails. You can't eat them, but in the South of Spain can be added to a cold drink called Mosto. Its a bite disgusting, but I think that it's like drinking a Mexican licour with a lizard inside the bottle, or like a Chinese drink with snakes inside. You can like it or not. In the photo, you can see a mosto snail. They are always small.

And at last, we have the king of snails. Brown one. There is a
saying (dicho) that you can take snails in months with an "r" inside their names, but the best moment to do it is in
April. Now, snails are hiding in the ground, laying eggs, in a
nest (nido). You can see it in the photo.

I like too much this photo, it's my favorite. In April you would be able to take some snails, to clean them with vinegar and salt and cook them. You can cook them with some tomato sauce, peppers...

So snail be carefull, we will be watching you.
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