1605, Catholics were not happy with King James I because he ordered to all catholic priest to leave England. So, they decided to kill the King and all people around him. The best place and the best moment to did it was when King James I inaugurate the Parliament session.

Guy Fawkes was one of the plotters; he managed to rent a house near the Houses of Parliament and to take sixteen barrels of gunpowder to Houses of Parliament cellars.

But there was a problem. Plotters felt bad about the fact that some of the people who will be in the Parliament were Catholics. So they decided to write an anonymous letter advising them to stay away from Parliament.

The letter was shown to the authorities and guards searched all the cellars and they captured Guy Fawkes.

Guy Fawkes was tortured and he revealed the names of others plotters. They were captured and executed.

After surviving to the plot, King James I ordered to all English people to burn a burn a bonfire on November 5th. And nowadays continue celebrating it.

On the 400th anniversary of the plot, some scientists make a simulation with the same amount of gunpowder. When they exploded it they noticed that the explosion was so powerful that everyone within one hundred metres of it would have been killed, including the King James I. So maybe a Catholic monarch would be put on the English Throne, as Catholics Plotters wanted.

Enjoy the video, it is funny.

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