The title of the song is LUKA. The singer is Suzanne Vega. It is supossed to be an easy understandable song, that is the reason of being the first song in the blog.

If you watch the song you can read lyrics and you can sing it too. I have just done when I insert in the blog, don´t worry about neighbours, they know I'm as crazy as a hatter. By the why, I didn't know what CLUMSY was, so I used Wordreference web (you can hear the pronuntiation too) to discover it. Clumsy person is a person who brokes everything just touching it, who fall down to the ground when he is going upstairs, who brreaks everything... In spanish means "torpe".

In my opinion, there is a verb "argue" that is quite difficult for me to pronounce. It is something like: "argui". "Don't argue with me." Means "No me discutas."

"Clash of the Titans" is the last film I have watched. The main character is the same of "Avatar". The film is about the trip of Perseus, who is a son of Zeus. He wants to stop the most powerfull devil titan, showing him the dead head of Medusa. I liked it. I like action films, adventure films and I like Greek Mitology too, so was perfect for me.

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