Funny easy book about Henry who writes a joke book to be rich after selling it.
3 in 1:
  1. Horrid Henry's Joke Book.
  2. Horrid Henry's Jolly Joke Book.
  3. Horrid Henry's Mighty Joke Book.
  • I'm stuck on you.
  • Stick your tonge out.
  • Skunk.
  • Do some press-ups.
  • Porcupine.
  • Plimsolls.
  • Leapfrog.
  • Why does history keep repeating itself? Because we weren't listening the first time.
  • Whre did the spaghetti go to dance? To a meat-ball.
  • Why is "t" so important to a stick insect? Because without it, it would be a sick insect.
  • What's the difference between a bird and a fly? A bird canm fly but a fly can't bird.
  • Why was the clock sent to headmaster's office? Because he was tocking too much.
  • How many psychiatrists does it take to changhe a lightbulb? Just one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change.
  • Why do witches wear name tags? So they know which witch is which.

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